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Since February 1995 PinAcle Stainless Steel has maintained a registered Quality Management System. PinAcle was the first in the stainless steel pipe and tubing industry to have all our facilities registered to ISO 9002-1994 and then again the first in our business to have all facilities registered to ISO 9001:2000. Current registartion is at ISO 9001:2015.
PinAcle Stainless Steel Inc. is an ISO 9001:2015 REGISTERED company. ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization, a worldwide federation of national standards committees from over 100 countries. The ISO standards are fast becoming the standards of choice for all industries. The international acceptance and uniformity of ISO 9001:2015 allow companies to evaluate and compare other companies within a common parameter that involves a required conformance to accepted quality management standards.
Being registered means that our internal Quality Management System (QMS) meets or exceeds the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 specification. Having our QMS registered to ISO 9001:2015 enable customers to recognize PinAcle Stainless Steel’s commitment to consistently delivering a Quality Product with a Quality Service.
In striving for excellence PinAcle has always been conscientious in responding to our customer’s stainless steel pipe and stainless steel tubing needs effectively and efficiently.
1995 February PinAcle became registered to CAN3-Z299-4 (1985).
1996 January The QMS underwent a revision to conform to ISO 9003.
1997 February PinAcle became registered to ISO 9002-1994.
2003 August All PinAcle locations registered to ISO 9001:2000
2009 June All PinAcle locations registered to ISO 9001:2008
2016 March PinAcle Toronto registered to CANDU Nuclear CSA Standard N285.0
2016 July PinAcle Ontario registered to NSF/ANSI 61
2017 March All PinAcle locations registered to ISO 9001:2015
Implementing a viable QMS took enormous effort and input from PinAcle Stainless Steel’s staff, the results of which are apparent in our ISO 9001:2015 registration and continued customer satisfaction.
Our QMS is a “work in progress”. As we work in our QMS, better methods and better performance are being suggested and tried on a regular basis. Our customers will continue to benefit with better stainless steel pipe and stainless tubing products and quality service